Design Unique Arps

  • Design your unique arps with unlimited steps!

    ArpBud 2 has a very easy to use UI that you can start working right away.

    On the top, you have your steps and you can edit each one of your step for the selected mode on the mode section with your step's fader control.

    Work with as many steps as you want! You can copy/paste/delete them by long pressing, toggle them by tapping their LED buttons.

Sequencer & Arpeggiator.

Make Your Arps Even More Interesting

  • ArpBud 2 has several modes that you can work with, for each step.

  • Interval is the note number of the chord you are sending to ArpBud where 1 means the lowest note.

  • You can also set velocity, octave, gate, ratchet and play-probability values for your steps.

  • ArpBud 2 has a very unique randomizer which you can customise as you want in the settings menu.

Interval sequencer.

Create Unlimited Patterns

  • In every ArpBud 2 project, you can work with unlimited numbers of patterns.

    You can change the patterns on the fly while ArpBud 2 is running which makes it a very nice live-performance tool!

    Patterns also could be change with MIDI Control Change (CC) messages. You can assign a MIDI CC number for "Pattern Change Control" and then send a pattern number to that channel.

    You can create interesting automatizations with that feature - like a song mode!

Pitch sequencer.

Take Advantage of AUv3

  • ArpBud 2 comes with an Audio Unit plugin which you can use with your favorite AUv3 host apps like AUM, Cubase, BeatMaker, apeMatrix, NanoStudio etc.

    You can create custom presets and save your current ArpBud 2 state to your host app - load it again anytime.

Smart layout on iOS Devices.

Audiobus, IAA, Ableton Link

  • ArpBud 2 supports Audiobus and IAA technologies as well as CoreMIDI.

    You can also enable the Ableton Link for keeping ArpBud 2 in sync with other Ableton Link enabled apps.

Sequence MIDI apps.

Check out the Demo on Youtube

  • Take a look at this quick demo video on Youtube.

Download for iOS or Apple Silicon

Open source

ArpBud offers its core componets on Github.
They are all shared libraries for iOS, macOS and tvOS platforms, written in Swift.

Music Theory

A music theory library with Note, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in Swift enums.


Send and receive MIDI in human language with Swift enums.


Fully custumisable and editable knob with rotary, horizontal and/or vertical gesture recognition.

Other Apps

ArpBud 2

AUv3 MIDI Arpeggiator.

ChordBud 2

AUv3 MIDI Chord Sequencer.


AUv3 MIDI Recorder.


AUv3 Techno Bass Lines.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.


AUv3 MIDI Generative Sequencer.

ScaleBud 2

AUv3 MIDI Keyboard.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.


Multitrack Polyrhythmic Sequencer.


MIDI CC Sequencer.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.

In Theory

AUv3 MIDI Keyboard.


Bud App Controller.


Binary Based MIDI Sequencer.

Auto Bass

Bassline MIDI Generator.


Physics Based MIDI Sequencer.


Generative MIDI Sequencer.

Auto Fills

Drum Fill Generator.


MIDI Arpeggiator.


Generative MIDI Sequencer.

Note to Be

AUv3 MIDI Quantizer.


Chord Progression Sequencer.


Vinyl Scratching FX


Morphing FX Processor

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